守夜人:恶魔永世同在的剧情简介 · · · · · ·
In Nightwatch the sequel, Emma, a medical student, takes on a nightwatch job in the forensic department. And it is no coincidence. Since the fatal night-30 years earlier, when psychopathic inspector Wörmer almost killed Emma's parents, who were saved at the very last minute by their friend Jens, her family has been haunted by this horrific memory. Her mother Kalinka, actually committed suicide when Emma was 10 and her father Martin is still the shadow of himself.
The young woman decides to investigate what happened in her parents’ past. Upon meeting with Wörmer, Emma wakes him from his coma, and unintentionally initiates a bloody revenge on all of those who sealed Wörmer’s destiny.
在续集《守夜人》中,医学生艾玛在法医部门从事守夜人工作。这并非巧合。自从 30 年前那个致命的夜晚,当精神病检查员 Wörmer 差点杀死艾玛的父母时,他们在最后一刻被他们的朋友詹斯救了下来,她的家人一直被这段可怕的记忆所困扰。她的母亲卡林卡实际上在艾玛 10 岁时自杀了,她的父亲马丁仍然是自己的影子。 这位年轻女子决定调查她父母的过去发生了什么。在与沃默会面后,艾玛将他从昏迷中唤醒,并无意中对所有封印沃默命运的人进行了血腥的报复。
守夜人:恶魔永世同在 [2023][丹麦 惊悚 恐怖]